
Mary provided the answers. "Dear me, Chris. Don't you want to put on your best appearance for her? After all if it wasn't for her you wouldn't even be here?"


"You're right," he conceded.

"She got me this

position and I'm very grateful to her for that. And I do want her to know how well I'm doing, too." He gave her a questioningly look. "What did you have in mind?"

She suggested, "Why don't you visit the boutique and have Judy help you find a pretty pantsuit. Or, better yet, if you want to get really fancy, you could try a nice dress. And you really should have your hair done too."

finished with a funny giggle.


Chris blushed. "You really are trying to make a girl of me, aren't you? Besides, why go to all that trouble just to look silly for someone who knew me as Chrisopher Davis before I came here."

She pressed her point, "But isn't that an even better reason to look your best? She's the reason you signed that contract, isn't she? She obviously knew that you would have to 'fit in' here, being the only male in what is essentially a woman's world, and that you would probably have to change some of your, uh, personal habits to be more easily accepted and blend into the group. Don't you think you should show her how well you have adapted to your unique situation here? Even if it means a new outfit?" She shrugged when he didn't respond. "I guess it all depends on how deep your feelings are for her, doesn't it?" she probed.

"But, it's all so different, so strange, so... weird," he sighed. He sat and stared at the floor, elbows on knees, chin in hands, shaking his head in frustration. Chris mentally kicked himself. He never seemed able to hold up under

Mary's seemingly logical arguments.

Suddenly he was acutely aware of his attire. The constricting girdle (pink panties beneath) that pushed his manhood into invisibility, the firm pressure about his thighs and hips that seemed to increase over the last several days, and the snug but comfortable waistband that he remembered being so tight a few weeks ago. He wore smooth pocketless pants, a lacy white sleeveless blouse, white knee-high nylon-cotton hose, and nurses shoes of heavy sole and one-inch heels. The crowning touch, the pageboy hairdo, now almost shoulder length, that reminded Chris of Judy's suggestion that he have it reset once a week. He had not been back since that first day. Along with all that, he had to continually prevent himself from scratching at the constant itchiness of his thickened nipples, and the masses beneath had double in size in just a few days.

But, Chris realized, he desperately wanted to impress Andrea. "Mary?" he said softly. "I'd like your help, if you don't mind. Just let me make a call first." She nodded enthusiastically as he picked up the receiver and dialed the salon number, got a one o'clock appointment, and hung up. "There!" He said to the phone then saw Mary's pleased espression. "OK, now let's go see Judy."

His boss/friend grinned happily as they left the office. "Would you like to try a dress?" she pressed. "They're really not that bad and, in fact, are much more comfortable than trousers. Judy has some very pretty ones. Or do you want a pantsuit?"

"I think the pantsuit would be best. I may look and act somewhat girlish now and mostly I've gotten used to it so I don't mind. But a dress would be pushing things a bit too far. Maybe if we have a costume party or something I'll try a